
Acceptance is a requirement to function in society. Why then do so many suffer from rejection? Is the need for acceptance healthy or disruptive in nature? 

Acceptance is a necessity from loved ones; it is healthy and extremely damaging for those who do not receive it.  Acceptance is necessary from parents throughout childhood. A child who is not accepted grows up with rejection. The absence of acceptance causes rejection. Let us examine the behavior of a rejected individual. This individual is constantly seeking the approval of others; all decisions made are dependent on the acceptance of those around them. Rejection causes insecurity forcing the individual to constantly seek approval from those around them such as a boss or a friend. These personality types also find themselves in abusive relationships. After all no one respects a needy person, they are seen as a person who can be manipulated and used by controlling people. So you see one who is not accepted by their loved ones is in a constant state of feeling rejected. In turn this causes much pain and struggle through life. Although the need for acceptance can be damaging, it is a requirement for survival. It is not the need for acceptance however that is damaging; it is the lack of it, causing a void in ones soul leaving nothing but want. In turn this causes the individual to only function in a manner that suits others, leaving a feeling of non-existence.  To begin to overcome this problem one must develop at least one healthy relationship in which there is unconditional love and acceptance. Once this is in place one can begin to let go of the need for approval from others entirely. The main thing to realize is that the needy behavior is causing the alienation of those whom approval is required. Once the need is vanquished the acceptance begins.


Mendy Tornek